Mixed Claims Commission: Dorothy Allen excerpt

[page 106, an excerpt from the case of Miss Dorothy Allen, Saloon Passenger]

On their father’s death two daughters, Elsie and Ruth, found employment as teachers, while the third daughter, Dorothy, during 1913-1914 was employed by an English family as governess, devoting three hours each afternoon to her duties as such and the remainder of the time to the duties of housekeeper for the domestic establishment maintained by her mother, her sisters, and herself. To her mother she contributed from her earnings $300 per annum.

She embarked on the Lusitania with the English family by whom she was employed as governess and was lost with that ship. At the time of her death she was 28, her mother 58, and her sisters Elsie and Ruth 32 and 23 years of age respectively. The decedent made no contributions toward the support of her sisters.

Decedent had with her on the Lusitania property of the value of $1,267.00.

Applying the rules announced in the Lusitania Opinion and in the other decisions of this Commission to the facts in this case as disclosed by the record, the Commission decrees that under the Treaty of Berlin of August 25, 1921, and in accordance with its terms the Government of Germany is obligated to pay to the Government of the United States on behalf of (1) Hettie D. Allen individually the sum of seven thousand five hundred dollars ($7.500.00) with interest thereon at the rate of five per cent per annum from November 1, 1923, and (2) Hettie D. Allen, Administratrix of the Estate of Dorothy D. Allen, Deceased, the sum of twelve hundred sixty-seven dollars ($1,267.00) with interest thereon at the rate of five per cent per annum from May 7, 1915.

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