Miss Mary Nichol

Miss Mary Nicol
image credit:  Daily Missoulian, Sunday, 16 May 1915.

Miss Mary Nichol was from Scotland and had been visiting her sisters in Chicago, Illinois, United States nine months prior to sailing on Lusitania.  Her sisters were Mrs. J. W. Young of 7337 South Racine and Mrs. William McClelland of 7331 South Racine.  According to the New York Times, she had booked passage in Memphis, Tennessee.

Mary Nichol was lost in the sinking of the Lusitania and was on Sunday, 9 May 1915’s list of missing and probable dead.  In the Daily Missoulian, she is named as Mary E. Nicol.

Judith Tavares
Hildo Thiel

Daily Missoulian, Sunday, 16 May 1915.

5 thoughts on “Miss Mary Nichol”

  1. Thank-you for creating this website and publishing the list of passengers.
    Miss Mary Nichol was my great aunt, the sister of my grandmother on my mother’s side. My mom, Miss Nichols niece, is now 88 years old. I just spoke to her and she was thrilled to hear I found reference to her aunt.
    Her family heard from a survivor after the sinking and he told them he held Miss Nichol in the water as long as he could until she said “you have to let me go”. He survived but she did not. Her mother, my great grandmother, went to view the bodies but she was never recovered.
    Andy Bone

  2. Fascinating…did Miss Mary Nicol ever live in Banchory, Scotland in a house called Roscobie House. I visited this house as a child in the early 1970’s. Great house with beautiful gardens.

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