Mayer Opinion pages 17-23

…St. George’s Channel to Liverpool Bar. There is no dispute as to the proposition that a vessel darkened is much safer from submarine attack at night than in the daytime and Captain Turner exercised proper and good judgment in planning accordingly as he approached dangerous waters. It is futile to conjecture as to what would or would not have happened had the speed been higher prior to the approach to the Irish coast, because, obviously, until then…

Mr. Duncan Arthur Walpole Hanes

…cabin on Lusitania was C 3 and he shared it with Reverend Henry Wood Simpson and Reverend Canon Ernest Phair. The stewardess in charge of their cabin was May Bird. The following is Hanes’ first-person account from the Saskatoon Star Phoenix, published just weeks after the sinking: It was just after lunch, about five minutes past two, that the crash came. The torpedo struck the vessel in the starboard sided at about the centre and there was immedi…

Master Stuart Duncan Day Pearl

…was vacationing through Europe, when another daughter, Susan, was born in London, England on 26 February 1914. There, they recruited Nurse Alice Lines. When war broke out in August, the Pearls were in Stockholm, Sweden and Warren secured passports for Petrograd, Russia (formerly St. Petersburg and later Leningrad) in hopes of applying his military experience there. Their plans had to change in Helsingfors, Denmark under threats of bombardment. As…

Item 238: Letter from Mary Cryer mentioning Harriet Plank, dated 8 May 1916

…ng passed through the same terrible experience. God alone is our only real comforter in these times of so much trouble. It seems sometimes more than we can bear, almost in sight of Home and to be cut off without a moment’s warning. We are very sorry we cannot help you, by giving you any names of Survivors. We were very fortunate to find a Mrs Plank (Mrs Weston’s Mother) She occupied the same Cabin as my Dear Sister and her Boy. She came to see us,…

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