Lusitania Modeling

…is made of oak with mahogany keel blocks. [Show as slideshow] If you have your own Lusitania model and would like to share your photos on this website, please contact us. Share this: Print Email Pinterest…

Commemorating the 96th Sinking Anniversary

…2011 marks the 96th anniversary of the sinking of the RMS Lusitania. As the sinking moves from living memory into history, this website aims to ensure that the legacy of this historical event is preserved. Even though this site will continue to need lots of work, thank you so much for your support! Share this: Print Email Pinterest…

Mrs. Henry “Harry” Beauchamp Lassetter (Elisabeth Anne Antill)

…olonel. Classed as an AIF Officer he went to England in 1914 and was given command of a Territorial Brigade on home defence duties in the UK and was awarded a CMG. He was regarded as too old for active service. Ultimately he was promoted to Brigadier General in in the British Army. He was retired from the AIF in 1919 as full Colonel but always carried his more senior British rank. He commanded the 2nd NSW Mounted Rifles on active service during th…

Titanic Centennial Commemoration

…of the Steamship Historical Society of America. Unfortunately, due to the file size, I don’t have time to upload it right now to share with everyone. Which is fine, I guess, since that will spare you my rendition of “Nearer My God to Thee”/”Bethany” – I thought I was singing quietly to blend with everyone else, but it seems that I was just flat instead. Oops. Share this: Print Email Pinterest…

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