Mrs. John MacFarquhar (Jane Ann Grant)

…dies, stand where you are.” We obeyed and in almost a minute he told us to come right on. A lifeboat was right in front–almost full; another lifeboat, covered over, lay between. Climbing on top of the covered boat I saw one on the davit about three feet from the sinking vessel…there I made a spring, landing somehow in the lifeboat. I thought my daughter was following my example, but she was stopped, being assisted further back on the boat. The Lus…

Master Ronald Sutcliffe Greenwood

…Ellis arranged for a second cabin steward to look out for his son on his upcoming passage aboard Lusitania. The day of departure from New York, 1 May, Ellis was unable to go aboard Lusitania, so his son said goodbye to him on the pier. Ronald had told his father, “Well, never mind, dad, I’ll go aboard alone and find the steward.” When Ronald reached the top of the gangplank, he stopped, turned around, and called back an affectionate “Goodby, dad!”…

Mrs. H. Hedley Leopold Holland (Nina Nadin)

…ael Poirier, Cliff Barry and Peter Kelly (2013) “Lest We Forget : The Lusitania.” Gare Maritime. (ref: #10962, accessed 27th April 2015 03:24:39 PM) URL : Share this: Print Email Pinterest…

Miss Josephine Mary Brandell

…career after her divorce. She toured Europe and America in Night Birds, a comic opera by Johann Strauss. She garnered favorable reviews, in which she was compared to the lead actress, Fritzi Scheff. In 1914, Josephine was the leading lady in the London Opera House’s production of Come Over Here, which allowed Josephine to showcase her operatic abilities. Lusitania As she had many performance engagements, Josephine was no stranger to transatlantic…

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