Master Frank Hook

ontents Family and background Lusitania Disaster Rescue and reunion Education and employment Australia Links of interest   Family and background Frank Hook was born in Essex, England, United Kingdom on 22 March 1904.  Frank was described as small and adventurous whereas his sister Elsie was tall for her age and extremely shy. In 1907, the Hook family emigrated to Canada, where his father George found work at a metal plant in Toronto.  Mrs. Hook pa…

Miss Queenie Benjamin

…response, and I thought I had damaged something. I heard a terrible commotion and ran up on dock, and went to the high side of the vessel. When the order was given we all got into the boats, and somebody yelled to cut the boats away. It was a good job this was not done, or the boats would have dropped 30 feet into the water, and we should have all been smashed up. The vessel seemed to be floating all right, but at a list, and well all got out of t…

Mr. Frederick Charles Tyers

…ers picked up from the sea, but Tyers did not survive. Tyers’ parents were comforted that he had been seen to be picked up. His body was returned to Nottingham for burial. References: “Survivors’ Accounts from the Lusitania, 7th May 1915.” Small Town, Great War. Hucknall 1914 – 1918. Online. <>. Share this: Print…

Mrs. Albert Martin (Laura Truman)

…Martin, 56, was born Laura Truman and from Ilkeston, Nottinghamshire, England, United Kingdom. She married Albert Martin. They moved to New Philadelphia, Ohio, United States in early 1914, but Albert died that August. Now widowed, Laura decided to return home. She took passage on the Lusitania. She survived and submitted this account to the Nottinghamshire Weekly Express, published on 14 May 1915: “When the vessel was torpedoed, I was in a third-…

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