The Cunard Company

…lion red with black bands and a black top. Cunard also developed a reputation for safety early on. Until the torpedoing of the Lusitania in 1915, no lives had ever been lost on a Cunard ship. Cunard also gained a reputation for speed, and for most of the next 30 years, Cunard held the Blue Riband, the unofficial award for the ship with the fastest transatlantic crossing. Cunard had its first serious competitor with the American-owned Collins Line,…

Mr. John Henry Harper

…ARE HIS Contributors: Adam West, UK References: West, Adam. “Our Church.” 1st Redditch Girls’ Brigade. Web. 27 July 2011. <>. Share this: Print Pinterest…

Second U.S. Protest over the Sinking of the Lusitania

…he Government of the United States notes with gratification the full recognition by the Imperial German Government, in discussing the cases of the Cushing and the Gulflight, of the principle of the freedom of all parts of the open sea to neutral ships and the frank willingness of the Imperial German Government to acknowledge and meet its liability where the fact of attack upon neutral ships “which have not been guilty of any hostile act” by German…

Mrs. Allen Donnellan Loney (Catharine Wolfe Brown)

…amily of John McKesson, the co-founder of the pharmaceutical company McKesson and Robbins, through which the McKessons, too, made a fortune. Catharine gained a younger brother, George McKesson Brown, who was born in 1878. Sadly, their mother Virginia died that same year. Catharine’s father remarried sometime after 1880, this time to Ruth Arabella Loney, the second daughter of William Loney of Baltimore. George and Ruth had two sons, William Bruce-…

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