Miss Crissy "Chrissie" Nicol Marshall Lizzie Stark Aitken

…  Despite the terrible experiences through which she had passed and the additional shock of her father’s death, Miss Aitken – who is only seventeen years of age – was able to tell her story with wonderful calmness and courage. “Just before the ship was struck”, she said “we were all sitting at lunch, and as a girl friend was waiting for me I left the table before the others, and I never saw them again. I was in my cabin when the torpedo struck, an…

Mr. Thomas Adamson, First Class Waiter

…e was born 30 August 1880 in Paterson, New Jersey, United States, as Paterson and Macclesfield had close connections because of the silk industry. Regardless, Macclesfield claimed him as one of their own, though at the time of the sinking, his residence was reported as 70 Leggett Avenue, Long Island, New York, USA (there’s a Leggett Ave in the Bronx, not Long Island, but there’s a Leggett Place in Queens, which is on Long Island, and still yet ano…

Miss Kathleen Kaye (Hannah Ermine Kathleen Kirschbaum)

…d Kathleen Kaye in Queenstown after the Lusitania sinking. Image credit: Brandon Whited. Born Hannah Ermine Kathleen Kirschbaum 30 June 1898 Hampstead, England, United Kingdom Died 24 September 1963 (age 65) Fort Lauderdale, Florida, United States Age on Lusitania 16 Cabin number unknown Rescued by unknown Citizenship British, later United States Other name(s) – Kathleen Kirschbaum – Kathleen Brandien (after marriage) Spouse(s) Carl William Brandi…

Design and Construction

…vent any side thrust on the turbine blades. So were is the thrust block position? As on Titanic turbine the thrust block is behind the engine between the switchover valve. Is that the same position for Lusitania & Mauretania ships too? Mike. Mike First I would like to say the article is a good one. However the financial arrangement needs to be clarified. The America commercial North Atlantic domination did not go quite to plan! The plan driven by…

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