Mr. Alexander Duncan, Junior Second Engineer

…sistant marine engineer of the Cunard-White Star Line; William Ewart Gladstone Jones, since then promoted to chief engineer of the Scythia; and Albert Charles Dunn, since then promoted to chief engineer of the Bantria. They drank a silent toast to their shipmates who were lost in the Lusitania sinking. Contributors Jim Kalafus, USA Michael Poirier, USA References Kalafus, Jim & Michael Poirier ( 2005 ) “Lest We Forget Part 2 : As The Lusitania Wen…

Mrs. James Andrew Gardner (Annie Gray)

…sitania disaster. Annie’s friends described her as “a lady of emerging personality”. Annie married James Gardner of Dunedin, New Zealand, where they resided and were members of the Trinity Methodist Church. James was also the lay preacher at the church, following in his father’s footsteps. James worked as a hosiery manufacturer. The Gardners’ two oldest sons, Leonard and Eric, were born in New Zealand. Around 1902, the Gardners left Dunedin for To…

Mrs. Abraham Jacobs (Liba Bella Chirug)

on Lusitania 67 Body 33 Occupation Midwife Citizenship British Residence London, England Other names – Bella Sshnidt (first marriage) Bella Comras (second marriage) Spouse(s) Known: – Orchik Sshnidt (? – ?) – Shupsl Comras (? – ?) – Mark Schmidt (? – ?) – Abraham Jacobs (1904 – 1915, her death) Liba Jacobs, 67, was returning to London aboard Lusitania after visiting her son Joseph Klass and her recently born granddaughter. Liba was lost in the di…

Miss Joan M. Adams

…er surfaced together. Gertrude swam to a piece of wreckage and placed Joan on it; however, Joan soon succumbed to exposure, with Gertrude watching and powerless to do anything to help her daughter. She recounted, “my baby had passed away then and I felt I must kiss her goodbye.” Gertrude survived. Albert survived the war and, with Gertrude, moved to Australia with Gertrude’s brother. Gertrude and Albert went on to have another four children. Links…

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