Mr. George William Bilbrough

…n Wilson. Bilbrough often played bridge with Wilson, Donald, Thornton Jackson, and Reverend Herbert Gwyer. After the ship sank, Bilbrough found his way onto a damaged collapsible, where he pulled Archie Donald out of the water. The boat filled with 32 other survivors, including Angela Pappadopoulo, Olive North, and Thirza Winter, until they were afraid to take on more for fear of swamping. Their collapsible was picked up by Juno. Related pages Pri…

Mrs. H. Arnold Lohden (Sarah Rose Mary Arnold)

…y. She fell into the sea clasping it; caught a steamer chair; put the baby on it and held it there, she floating by its side. As we drew near we saw the baby was already dead from drowning and exposure. We went to pull her in to the boat. “Let me bury my dead child first” she whispered. She let the babe sink as we dragged her in. The Lohdens were photographed in Queenstown with Edwin Collis, Dora Wolfenden, Harriet Plank, and Frederick Milford. Li…

Mr. Robert William Whaley

…ually swung myself down into the water by the rope fall attached to the davit. Once in the water I lost the rope, and down I sank. When I came up again, the Lusitania was lying right on her side. I cannot swim a stroke, I found myself entangled in the wireless apparatus, but managed to get free. At that instant a boat passed, and I succeeded in grabbing the gunwale, and was dragged into it. The boat was full of people. We tried to keep away from t…

Mr. Joseph Lewis Myers

…not anticipated any trouble on the Lusitania. Myers witnessed much confusion and excitement aboard the sinking ship. People were pouring out from belowdecks. Second cabin passengers were moving forward into the first class deck. One woman from second cabin came up to Myers with a boy and asked if he would help her and the boy into a lifeboat. They were on the port side. To get into the port side lifeboat that Myers assisted the woman and her son

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