Mayer Opinion pages 11-17

…ncluding the whole English Channel are hereby declared to be [a] war zone. On and after the 18th of February, 1915, every enemy merchant ship found in the said war zone will be destroyed without its being always possible to avert the dangers threatening the crews and passengers on that account. 2. Even neutral ships are exposed to danger in the war zone as, in view of the misuse of neutral flags ordered on January 31 by the British Government and

Docket No. 407: Catherine Henry

…d the decision of the Commission. This case is before the Umpire for decision on a certificate of the two National Commissioners[a] certifying their disagreement. A brief statement of the facts as disclosed by the records follows: Catherine Henry, a claimant herein, who had on November 26, 1914, been married to John Henry, an American national, also a claimant herein, was a third-class passenger on the Lusitania. At that time she was 24 years of a…


…emain in the copyright of their contributors and originators. The information contained in this website is for educational purposes only. Copyright Copyright laws last for 75 years in the United States and 50 years in Commonwealth countries. Publications become public domain after this time period. Whenever possible, the images and texts that appear on this site have been taken only from public domain documents, private collections, or with permis…

Mr. Joseph Casey, Fireman

…be travelling quicker than the other. At the beginning I though there was only one, but as they approached the ship they opened outwards and the after one seemed to strike the ship either forward or near the centre of No. 2 funnel, and a white flash came and an explosion. There wseemed to be two explosions but there were like together. 1720 (Solicitor-General): Have you any doubt from your experience that there were two torpedoes you saw at this…

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