Rescue Vessels

…h Isles. Melvyn Reid Grandson Broussard ma grand mère, mon père 5 ans, et mon oncle 3 ans étaient sur ce bateau ils ont survecu car sur un canot de sauvetage qui a échoué vers “cooks???” il y a t-il des liste des survivants recueillis en Irlande, savoir comment on les a pris en charge, ont ils continué leur voyage sur un autre bateau (vers la France) Ma grand mère partait rejoindre son mari mobilisé en France personne de la famille encore en vie n…

Mr. William Stainton

…ll some years previous. On the day of the Lusitania disaster, 7 May, Stainton and Slingsby were running late and joined Emily and Annie at their table in the saloon. They listened to the band play “Tipperary” when Slingsby looked out the window and saw the wake of the torpedo as it approached the ship. Slingsby called everyone’s attention to the torpedo, including Inspector William Pierpont at the table next to theirs, who also saw the wake. As th…

Mr. Patrick J. McLoughlin

…d would like to get any information about his other children, my two Aunts and One Uncle pat correction i am the granddaughter Tom McLoughlin I just came across this website. Patrick was my great grandfather. His son Tom was my grandfather. I have a great picture of the two of them with my father taken in the 1930’s. I’d like to get more info. Debbie McDonald Hello Tom we are cousins. Would love to talk as Patrick was my great grandfather as well….

Lusitania Victims

…, to my knowledge. I was hoping you might look in to this, and make the addition or alteration as you deem appropriate? admin Hi Lisa, It‘s quite possible that the crew list has errors on it, such as mispellings and sometimes the wrong given names. For instance, Patrick Melia, a member of the engineering crew, is listed as “John Melia” at the Tower Hill Memorial. I don‘t know how the mistakes creep in, but they do happen. If you’d like, please let…

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