Robert Rankin: Lusitania Survivor and Inventor

…rican Counsel which was sent to the state department in the form of a depositon. He arrived in London, Monday afternoon to keep his business appointments though he had lost all his papers. He took the ship, St. Louis back home along with Oscar Grab, Charles Hardwick and Fred Pearson’s son. They arrived in New York on June 7,1915. The Lusitania incident did not deter Rankin from traveling and after leaving San Paolo Electric, he and his wife moved…

Mr. Robert Edward Dearbergh

…to the United States and exhibit her to raise funds for Stackhouse’s expedition in the Pacific. The morning of the sailing, on Saturday, 1 May 1915, Dearbergh and Stackhouse had stopped by the studio of Henry R. Rittenberg, where Stackhouse picked up a portrait of Stackhouse that Rittenberg had completed. Rittenberg asked why they were still sailing on the Lusitania in light of the German warning. Stackhouse replied that Lusitania was “too fast t…

Mr. Friedrich Wilhelm August Schwarte

…their aid managed to keep afloat. Then I lost consciousness, and awakened on one of the destroyers. I soon swooned off again, and the next time I came round I was in the Royal Naval Hospital at Queenstown.” Contributors: Jim Kalafus Judith Tavares References: “Survivors’ Accounts from the Lusitania, 7th May 1915.” Small Town, Great War. Hucknall 1914 – 1918. Online. <…

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