Conspiracy or Foul-Up?

…ish ship and not “neutral shipping.” One can also question the lack of action on behalf of the Admiralty in light of the Admiralty’s previous records of looking after Lusitania. Lusitania was a symbol of national prestige. Naturally, more privileges were granted to her than to any other ship. When Lusitania was scheduled to arrive in Liverpool on 6 March 1915, Trade Division signalled Lusitania at Cunard’s request, relaying,”Owners advise keep wel…

Dr. Ralph Jack Richard Mecredy

…lifeboat that had been swung out and caught on the davits with some people on it. He then saw people in the water and wondered how they got there, realizing that they must have been pitched out of the lifeboat. Mecredy decided that it would be safer to be in the water than on the sinking ship but realized that the ship was still moving forward, and if he jumped, he would be left behind. His two options were to jump from the fore end or from the st…

10th “launch” anniversary of The Lusitania Resource!

…ng sought and found should never be ended. Thank you for keeping it current and relevant through the years. admin Thank you! It has been a pleasure to work on this site for all of these years, and I definitely could not have done it without everyone’s help and support….

Mr. Samuel McIlhenny Knox

…1924), 57, was a former state senator from Delaware and leader of the opposition movement to the election of industrialist J. Edward Addicks to the U.S. Senate. In 1915, Knox was president of the New York Shipbuilding Company at 316 Upsal Street, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He was traveling aboard Lusitania with fellow shipbuilding company presidents Fred Gauntlett and Albert Hopkins. Knox and Gauntlett survived the torpedoing and sink…

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