Dr. James Farrell McDermott, Surgeon

…the Royal University of Ireland in 1906. He first sailed as a ship’s surgeon for the Pacific Steam Navigation Company and having transferred to the Cunard Steam Ship Company, where he worked for the next seven years until his death in the Lusitania disaster. McDermott’s first ship was the Umbria. He then transferred to the Caronia and it was on board this vessel in 1908 that he and the rest of the crew were involved in the rescue and treatment of…

Mrs. Fannie Jane Morecroft

…s of interest Early life and marriage Fannie Jane Chamberlain was born in London, England, in 1872 to a upper working-class family. Her father was a compositor (typesetter) for a newspaper on Fleet Street. When Fannie was 17, she met Herbert Morecroft, a widower, trained solicitor (lawyer in American speak), but practicing traveling actor. Herbert was 15 years Fannie’s senior, and also because acting was considered a disreputable profession in Vic…

Mr. Patrick Melia, Greaser

…d I will never ever forget it. This is a wonderful site and I pray it goes on forever. Bill Wilson Grandson of Patrick Melia admin Thank you for your kind words about this site. I greatly appreciate them. karen day (nee hunter) Hi bill, I am the daughter of william joseph hunter who was also the grandson of patrick melia. My dad spoke of him often throughout his whole life and I am overwhelmed with joy to see a picture of the man he was so proud t…


…though her husband Stewart was English. If there is insufficient information for all members of a family, that information will usually fall under the biographical entry for the patriarch. Both are, admittedly, imperfect systems. Contributors: Steve Duke, Australia Peter Engberg-Klarström, Sweden Jim Kalafus, USA Paul Latimer Mike Poirier, USA Craig Stringer Judith Tavares Hildo Thiel, The Netherlands Jean Richards Timmermeister, USA Geoff Whitfi…

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