Mr. David Samoilescu (Dave Samuels)

…bought a short time before sailing and for which he had paid $3000.00.” Additionally, Lizzie also claimed that David was carrying 2,500 British gold sovereigns The court docket states that Cunard had returned all of David’s recovered jewelry and had no evidence that he had left any additional valuables with the Purser, James McCubbin. The court could not find any corroborating evidence or witnesses to Lizzie’s claims and stated that it did not fin…

Professor Joseph Phillibert Renรฉ Marichal

…r. PF Marichal listing as a French Army casualty at Related links…

Mr. George Robert Copping

George Copping (1861 – 1915), 53, was a commercial merchant and commissioned agent who traveled among Canada, the United States, and England frequently. He was president of the Reliable Knitting Company and the founder of the G. R. Copping and Sons Manufacturing Company. He was traveling aboard Lusitania with his wife Emma. Both he and his wife were lost when the Lusitania was torpedoed and sunk on 7 May 1915. His body was recovered, #150. Life G…


…ew on Rootsweb, maintained by Judith Tavares. Judith had a lot of information coming from different people and decendants of survivors but did not know how to make all the information available to everyone on the internet. With Judith’s blessing, The Lusitania Resource was launched on 22 May 2003, hosted on, server space courtesy of Jeff Newman, administrator of the Titanic Mailing List and webmaster of The first pages…

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