Virtual commemorations for #Lusitania sinking anniversary 106 #RMSLusitania

…Almost 1,200 lives were lost that day, devastating families who lost loved ones, and changing the course of history. Our annual get togethers in Liverpool, UK, and Kinsale, Ireland have gone virtual because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, but we continue to honor the lost virtually. You can see the video commemorations from the Old Head of Kinsale and the Liverpool Maritime Museum below.…

Mr. Ashley Allan, Third Class Waiter

…r. Allan’s name is among those memorialized at the Tower Hill Memorial in London, England, United Kingdom. Contributors Peter Engberg-Klarström, Sweden References Engberg-Klarström, Peter. “Allan, Ashley.” Peter’s Lusitania Page. Web. 22 June 2017. <>. Accessed 19 May 2020.  “We Remember Ashley Allan.” Lives of the First World War. Imperial War Museums. Web. <https://livesofthefirstworldw…

Mr. Eugene Henry Posen

…gene Posen, 41, was a naturalized British subject living at The Albany in London, England, United Kingdom. Posen survived the Lusitania sinking. His ticket aboard the ship had been D1344 and he stayed in cabin D-47. After he was saved, he sent the following telegram from Oxford Street station to his friend, Harold Begbie: Harold Begbie Hartfield Sussex Just returned saved from Lusitania will you lunch with me Albany one day next week Posen Posen w…


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