Mr. Michael McGuigan, Trimmer

…Michael McGuigan, 43, was a trimmer lost in the Lusitania disaster. He was from Monaghan Row, Newry, County Down, Ireland. Contributors: Anthony Carroll Senan Molony References: Carroll, Anthony. “Lusitania’s local victims.” The Newry Journal. Accessed 24 January 2012. Online. <> Molony, Senan. Lusitania: An Irish Tragedy, pg. 95. Mercier Press, 2004. Share this: Print Email Pinterest…

Master John Coughlin, Jr.

…his other home. He died in Ireland on 21 December 1980 following an operation for an anerusym. Related pages The Coughlan Family at the Mixed Claims Commission Links of interest Lest We Forget: The Coughlin Family Contributors Shelley Dziedzic, USA Jim Kalafus, USA Senan Molony, Ireland Michael Poirier, USA Jean Richards Timmermeister, USA References Mixed Claims Commission. Docket 2489, pg. 513. Molony, Senan. Lusitania: An Irish Tragedy, pg. 26…

Mr. William Mitchell, Second Linenkeeper

…the son of a Mr. Mitchell who lived at 46, Ombersley-road, Birmingham, England, United Kingdom. He was a British subject. He had worked aboard Lusitania for all 101 voyages since the ship entered service in 1907 and was second linenkeeper. When the Lusitania was sinking, he helped cut the ropes that was holding a lifeboat to the sinking ship. His father received a telegram saying that William had been saved from the Lusitania disaster. William die…

Mr. Edward Ryan (Edward Rice), Fireman

…Down, Ireland, the son of Ann Ryan and the late Patrick Ryan. Ann lived in Corrags, Newry. Ryan was reported to have been from Warrenpoint, County Down. Edward was married to Margaret Ryan (née Irving) and they lived at 94, Gildarts Gardens, Limekiln Lane, Liverpool, England. Contributors: Anthony Carroll Senan Molony References: Carroll, Anthony. “Lusitania’s local victims.” The Newry Journal. Accessed 24 January 2012. Online. <http://www.newryj…

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