“Mrs. Robert Matthews” (Annie)

…ing the Matthewses and the Palmers as Cameronia transfers, which was requisitioned the morning Lusitania sailed. Robert and Annie had always intended to be Lusitania passengers. Aboard Lusitania, Annie won the second place prize for the potato race on the afternoon of 4 May. She was awarded a badge which she then gave to Robert. Both Robert and Annie died in the sinking of the Lusitania. Robert’s body was recovered by the Heron, and was body #1 re…

Mrs. Harold William Taylor (Lucy Haddock)

…Niagara Falls, New York. The couple was on the Lusitania for their honeymoon and a visit to Harold’s parents in Manchester, England. Harold said in a letter that they were told that the ship would make a dash up the coast in the cover of darkness, so they went to their cabin on Friday afternoon to begin packing. Hal was on deck when the ship was struck, and wearing only a shirt and trousers ran back to the cabin and announced to Lucy, “Well, that…

Mr. Isaac Lehmann

…s traveling so slowly. He asked First Officer Arthur Rowland Jones the reason for the ship’s lackluster performance and was told that they were not running all the boilers because “the crew was picked up here and there as they could get them, and they were very scarce over in Liverpool at that time.” On the night of 6 May, Lehmann was present at George Kessler‘s party. Also in attendance were Charles Lauriat, Theodate Pope, Edwin Friend, and Fred…

Mr. Albert Edward Veals

…nia with Agnes’ brother Frederick Bailey to see the Baileys’ father in England. On May 7th, the day of the disaster, Fred, Agnes, and Albert had finished lunch and were sitting on starboard deck when one of the Vealses got up and looked over the rail, stating, “Look, there’s a porpoise.” This was actually the torpedo that impacted the ship, sending up a deluge of water and debris. In the resulting confusion, Fred was separated from Agnes and Alber…

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