Mr. Lindon Wallace Bates, Jr.

…he General Commission on Water Supply.  Bates’ role was to report on a $25,000,000 water tunnel for Manhattan. Bates wrote much on technical and economic subjects.  His books include The Political Horoscope (1904, with Charles A. Moore), The Loss of Water in the New York Distribution System (1909), The Russian Road to China (1910), and The Path of the Conquistadores (1912). Becoming active in politics in 1904, in 1908 Lindon Bates, Jr. was elected…


…Queenstown, Ireland.  She was commanded by Commodore James Watt.  A crowd 200,000 strong had gathered in Liverpool to see off Britain’s new queen of the seas. Lusitania would be the largest passenger ship afloat until the maiden voyage of her sister Mauretania that November.  Throughout her brief career, Lusitania would make 101 round-trip voyages out of Liverpool – that is, 202 individual crossings between Liverpool and New York. At the time of L…

Mrs. Alfred Howard Amory (Phoebe Sledge)

…s was ill repaid when a soldier that she had extended her house to stole $200 worth of her jewels.  The police were only able to recover part of what was stolen. At the end of the war, Mrs. Amory filed a claim for $12,720.00 against Germany. Only $1,660.00 was for loss of personal possessions.  Among Phoebe’s claims were that she was “almost paralyzed” on her left side and that she suffered a rupture in her right lower abdomen. The court awarded h…

Construction and Trials

…e to reach her contract speed of 24 ½ knots, John Brown would be fined £10,000 for every 1/10 of a knot under the requirement for a maximum fine of £100,000.  To their delight, Lusitania reached a record-breaking 26.4 knots. On 1 August, she attained 26.7 knots, far exceeding her contract speed.  To their horror, her high speed caused the stern to vibrate so violently that the second cabin accommodations were unlivable. The combined interference o…

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