2 thoughts on “Mersey Report up”

  1. Hi,

    I would like to express my thanks to you for the dedication, time and information you supply in your website on the Lusitania.
    I know it is a lot of work, and in particular the deck plans you have drawn, which I assume were from the originals supplied by the archive department of Glasgow University, which charges £100.00 + for the complete set.
    Thank you again for the great work.

    Kind regards,

    • Hi Philip!

      Wow, I can’t believe that I took so long to get back to you. And I wish to express my appreciation that you enjoy visiting this site. Drawing the deck plans did take a good deal of time, but, actually I had not used the set from Glasgow University. Instead, the deck plans were drawn from a set supplied by Paul Latimer and a cleaned-up version of the blueprints in Mark D. Warren’s Engineering book. Furniture for the first-class areas is something I hope to get to, but it’s an issue of time whether I can soon. My hope is to be able to provide a website that meets people’s research needs, so I really do value your feedback.

      Ren-Horng James Wang

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