#Lusitania sinking centennial, plans and site updates #Lusitania100

Dear all,

It’s been a while since I updated the site, and I apologize profusely for the delay. Back in 2011 I had sketched an outline: “Lusitania 2015 Plan” of how far I wanted the website to be along, but life got busy and I fell rather short of those goals. I still plan to have the biographies of every passenger and crew member online, but having them all up by May of this year would be pretty much impossible.

During this process, I have learned not to make “perfect the enemy of good,” as trying to coordinate the letters, documents, biographies, and finding out who was in which lifeboat or what cabin slowed down the pipeline of getting information online. Therefore, my priority plan now is:

1. Get as many passenger and crew biographies up, then…

2. Reorganizing the survivors’ and victims’ list, then…

2. Transcribe more primary documents and…

3. Compile lifeboat and rescue vessel pages that place which passengers on which rescue vessels.

Further down the road, I’m considering:

4. More multimedia, including pictures and books

5. A clickable map for the Old Church Cemetery to see who was buried in which plot

6. Clickable deck plans to see who stayed in which cabin

Of course, in the meantime, I would be very much happy to know about centennial events in the United States, Ireland, and England and see what fits into my schedule. I’d be happy to meet any of you readers and fellow Lusitania and genealogy researchers. I’ll also be posting updates about events and would be happy to do special promotions about ship-related books.

Those are the plans for now. But on to the new and updated biographies for today:

New biographies:
Frank Houston
Edmond Ireton
Annie Kelly

Updated biographies:
Jane Hogan
Mary Agnes Hume
Francis Kellett
Patrick Melia

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