Happy Chinese New Year! And 1,000 pages!

Happy Chinese New Year! Although there were no Chinese nationals aboard Lusitania…, but British and American businessmen in Asia traveling to England via California.

The Lusitania Resource is now at over 1,000 pages!  Of course, not all of these are biographies, because there are pages on history, the ship, other ships, etc., so the actual number of biographies in the database so far is probably closer to 950.

New pages (many too small to be biographies):

Second Cabin
Mr. Patrick Slattery

Engineering Crew
Mr. Thomas McCann, Fireman
Mr. Bartholomew McCarthy, Fireman
Mr. James McCormick, Fireman
Mr. Thomas McCutcheon, Fireman
Mr. Michael McGeough, Fireman
Mr. Michael McGuigan, Trimmer
Mr. Bernard McKenna, Trimmer
Mr. Patrick McMahon, Fireman
Mr. Peter McNulty, Trimmer
Mr. Terence McParland, Fireman
Mr. Matthew Murphy, Fireman
Mr. Bernard Patrick Norton, Fireman
Mr. Michael O’Hare, Greaser
Mr. John Orange, Fireman
Mr. Joseph Rafferty, Fireman
Mr. Michael Rice, Fireman
Mr. Edward Ryan, Fireman
Mr. Geoffrey Sheridan, Fireman
Mr. Patrick Sheridan, Fireman
Mr. Michael Ward, Fireman
Mr. Martin Welsh, Trimmer

Victualling Crew
Mr. Christopher Evans McConkey, Waiter
Mr. Kenneth MacKenzie, Waiter
Mr. Robert Pinkerton, Chief Baker

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