Second cabin overhaul

The second cabin transition to WordPress is complete, though of course more biographies will be added from time to time. There’s a lot of new biographies that would take me forever to list, but a few samplers would be Jarvie Aitken, Eric Gardner, Molly Mainman, and Cyril Wickings-Smith. Happy browsing!

Mersey Report up

Second cabin passengers continue to be moved to their new location and the Mixed Claims Commission continues to be transcribed.  In the meantime, the Mersey Report is available for viewing.

Commemorating the 96th Sinking Anniversary

2011 marks the 96th anniversary of the sinking of the RMS Lusitania. As the sinking moves from living memory into history, this website aims to ensure that the legacy of this historical event is preserved.  Even though this site will continue to need lots of work, thank you so much for your support!

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