Updates, 28 July 2011

Saloon passenger biographies H J K L M have been upgraded, with additional biographies added. Other biographies and survivor accounts that have been added include: BOND, Mr. Edward CHISHOLM, Mr. Robert Daniel Fletcher FREEMAN, Mr. Matthew JONES, Mr. John Frederick Valentine LIVERMORE, Mr. Vernon McCUBBIN, Mr. James Alexander PEDERSON, Mr. Johan Adolph PENNY, Mr. Percy More to come.

Lusitania Forum Now Open!

The Forum is now open on The Lusitania Resource! I am looking forward to great discussions and learning new things from the community on these message boards. Just remember to be nice! Visit the forum here! http://www.rmslusitania.info/forum/ Volunteers are also needed for moderators! If you’d like to be a moderator, please let us know!

The Lusitania Resource is on Facebook and Twitter!

Hello everybody! This is an announcement to say that The Lusitania Resource is now on Facebook and Twitter. If you have a Facebook account and can log in and “Like” this website, it would be greatly appreciated! Our Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Lusitania-Resource/107699302651732 The site’s Twitter page is here: http://twitter.com/#!/TheLusitaniaRes/ Please do follow The Lusitania Resource on …

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