2011 marks the 96th anniversary of the sinking of the RMS Lusitania. As the sinking moves from living memory into history, this website aims to ensure that the legacy of this historical event is preserved. Even though this site will continue to need lots of work, thank you so much for your support!
Saloon passenger Dorothy Braithwaite was born on this day, 5 May, in 1890, making today her 121st birthday. Saloon passenger bios are to be moved to their new location following the completion of the move of the second cabin passengers, but her biography is temporarily here.
Greetings! If you have made it this far you may have noticed that The Lusitania Resource has a new look for the 96th anniversary of Lusitania‘s last voyage. The website has been reorganized for search engine optimization and for ease of updating. There’s so much that’s new here that was not in the old version …