Mr. Joseph Feeley

Joseph Feeley, 29, was the son of Anne Feeley. Joseph was from Kilmallock, County Limerick, Ireland. He and his wife Teresa lived in New York, United States. They did not have any children. Both Joseph and Teresa were lost when the Lusitania was torpedoed and sunk on 7 May 1915.

Joseph’s body was either not recovered or not identified.

A legal battle ensued after the married couple’s death, as Joseph’s parents sought possession of Teresa’s remaining finances as well. Teresa’s father fought back. The case went to the Lord Chief Justice of the High Court at the Four Courts of Dublin on 5 October 1915.

Teresa’s father Michael claimed that his daughter died intestate. As she and her husband died at the same time, Michael was Teresa’s sole next of kin. The court awarded Michael his claim.

Senan Molony

Molony, Senan. Lusitania: An Irish Tragedy, pg. 32. Mercier Press, 2004.

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